muscle tissue - определение. Что такое muscle tissue
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Что (кто) такое muscle tissue - определение

Muscle tissue         
  • A chicken embryo, showing the [[paraxial mesoderm]] on both sides of the neural fold.  The anterior (forward) portion has begun to form [[somite]]s (labeled "primitive segments").
  • Striated skeletal muscle cells in microscopic view.  The myofibers are the straight vertical bands; the horizontal striations (lighter and darker bands) that are a visible result from differences in composition and density along the fibrils within the cells.  The cigar-like dark patches beside the myofibers are muscle-cell nuclei.
  • Three distinct types of muscle (L to R): Smooth (non-striated) muscle in internal organs, cardiac or heart muscle, and skeletal muscle.
Muscular tissue; Textus muscularis; Muscular tissues; Muscle tissues
Muscle tissues are soft tissues that make up the different types of muscles in most animals, and give the ability of muscles to contract. It is also referred to as myopropulsive tissue.
Muscle tissue engineering         
Muscle tissue engineering is a subset of the general field of tissue engineering, which studies the combined use of cells and scaffolds to design therapeutic tissue implants. The major motivation for muscle tissue engineering is to treat a condition called volumetric muscle loss (VML).
Striated muscle tissue         
Striated Muscle; Striated muscular fibers; Striped muscles; Striped muscle; Striated muscle; Striated Muscles; Striated muscles; Striated muscle tissues
Striated muscle tissue is a muscle tissue that features repeating functional units called sarcomeres. The presence of sarcomeres manifests as a series of bands visible along the muscle fibers, which is responsible for the striated appearance observed in microscopic images of this tissue.
Примеры произношения для muscle tissue
1. muscle tissue to pump blood.
Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence _ John Searle _ Talks at Google
2. has unbelievably dense muscle tissue.
Embrace Your Online Trolls _ Brian Brushwood _ Talks at Google
3. heart, and the muscle tissue.
WomanCode _ Alisa Vitti _ Talks at Google
4. want you to imagine every muscle tissue,
Multiple Monitors of the Mind _ Richard Barker _ Talks at Google
5. Every muscle tissue in your fiber
Multiple Monitors of the Mind _ Richard Barker _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для muscle tissue
1. "Weight loss decreases muscle tissue, which weakens the old person.
2. Crushed and damaged muscle tissue can flood the bloodstream with toxic substances capable of killing within a few hours.
3. TB can lodge literally anywhere, from the brain to the feet and in any organ or muscle tissue.
4. Punchbag: Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Marciano The human punchbag Muscle tissue generates about 0.3 micronewtons of force per muscle fibre.
5. The challenge was boring into the mummy, which had petrified, to get three samples of degraded muscle, tissue and bone.